What Is Causing Your Heel Pain?
One of the most common complaints that we hear at our office is heel pain. Anyone can suffer from heel pain and there are many possible causes. Two of the most common causes are plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. Learn more about what cause these types of heel pains and what are the best options for treatment of them so you can get back to doing all the things that you love doing without any pain in your heels.

Tackle Turf Toe Before It Hits You
Turf toe is a sprain that occurs at the base of the big toe where it meets the ball of the foot. It is called turf toe because it typically results from either jamming the toe on the turf, or pushing off repeatedly when running or jumping while playing soccer, football, baseball, wrestling gymnastics and even basketball. Learn how to prevent turf toe as well as how to treat it should you suffer this sports injury.