Like most of you, we here at Sims & Associates Podiatry are very excited that Spring has arrived. The weather is becoming more and more pleasant allowing all of us more access to activities outside. After being stuck indoors all Winter and worse, having to deal with Covid-19 restrictions, the warmer weather appears to have given everyone a new bounce in their step. 

As always, we do encourage everyone to take this opportunity to start getting outside and becoming more active. This doesn't mean that you have to have a rigid or structured exercise plan (although that is fine as well). Depending on your activity level over the last few months, simply taking a 10-15 minute walk daily could be all you need to up your activity level and continue on your path to a healthy life. If you have remained active throughout the cold months, then this is a great time to start building up your mileage and endurance. Maybe replace a few days a week walking with a jog or a run. And if you've been running this whole time try gradually upping your mileage and/or pace to keep building. Regardless of your current physical ability, this is an opportunity to enjoy the weather and continue to get healthy.

There are so many benefits to regular walking and running. Some of the more obvious benefits are physical. For instances, regular exercise helps your cardiac (heart) health, helps build muscle which in turn can help you lose weight. But those are just the tip of the iceberg for the physical benefits. In addition, walking and running also helps with your psychological/mental health. Taking a walk or going for a jog/run each day helps you clear your mind, relieve stresses and helps you find your center. Similar to meditation or breathing exercises, walking and running can also help your mind become healthier.

Before you begin to walk or run this Spring here are a couple of things we recommend to help prevent injuries. First, make sure you have a good pair of walking or running sneakers. Proper shoes will help support your feet while you walk or run to help prevent injuries. Second, stretch before you start. Take a few minutes before you start your walk or run to stretch the large muscles in your legs including your quads (front of your leg above the knee), hamstring (back of the leg above the knee) and calf muscles (back of the leg below the knee). Stretching after you walk or run is also important, especially to prevent muscle soreness. Lastly, make sure you increase your time, speed and mileage very gradually. This cannot be stressed enough. If you increase too quickly you can cause injury from overuse limiting your ability to remain active. Take your time and build up slowly to prevent injuries.

So get out there and get moving this Spring! Just be sure to do so properly to prevent injuries and you should be all set. If you do have a foot or ankle issue please contact Sims & Associates Podiatry today and we be happy to assess your injury and discuss your best treatment options.

Sims & Assocaites Podiatry

Dr. Lewis J. Sims founded Sims & Associates Podiatry on the fundamentals of treating patients as if they are your family. Always go above and beyond to ensure the patient is comfortable and satisfied. Our practice has been patient focused since day one. Patient satisfaction is our number one goal and at the core of everything we do. It is what SAP was founded on and is still at the forefront of our culture today. It’s in our DNA.

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